Teri Kojetin

Monthly contributor Teri Kojetin has a passion for social media, writing and online community management. She is the Community Manager for Social Hangout and co-founder of the #Luv4Social Twitter chat. Teri is based in Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA where she lives with her husband and spends time on creative outlets such as writing, art and crafts. Connect with Teri through Twitter: @TeriMKojetin.

Building Relationships on Twitter in 140 Characters or Less

Social Media is all about relationships. Some people seem to think it’s about a relationship with themselves, but that defeats the very meaning of “social”. Brands sometimes think it’s the perfect place to promote their product. Wrong again! Social Media is about being social – it’s an interaction between people. You don’t post something just […]

What Is Social Selling Really About?

Social Selling can be viewed negatively. It might make us think that businesses use social only to get us to buy. It sounds manipulative, self-serving and anti-social.  Businesses aren’t on social just to make friends and have fun. That’s the reality and of course we know that. They want to gain loyal customers and entice […]

4 Ways Ambassadors Benefit Your Online Brand

Every brand wants people on their side who are enthusiastic about them. They want people who take their enthusiasm to the next level by showing their loyalty to your brand through their words and actions. These are brand ambassadors and they are valuable to your brand. They shape your image in the eyes of your […]

5 Tips for Becoming a Social Business on Twitter

Twitter has become the place to connect, converse, and build relationships. With its fast paced, real-time action, it forces you to say what’s really necessary in 140 characters. If your business is on Twitter, but how do you get noticed? You can’t stop the Twitter feed or slow it down so your fans don’t miss […]

Social Media & Personal Branding: Why Does It Matter?

Personal branding has ballooned into a major topic this year on social media. Before we could only look up to the influencers in our industry, hoping to get noticed. But with so many sites to publish our own content on, such as LinkedIn Publisher, Medium and others, a whole new world has opened up for […]

Making a Real Connection With Your Followers

#182183078 / gettyimages.com Businesses are learning that they need to relate to their followers as humans. That means less message blasting and more relationship building. It’s natural for us to connect with people and develop relationships and it can be natural for a brand to do the same. It takes making a conscious effort and […]

5 Ways Companies Can be H2H [Human] on Social

  For years we’ve used the terms B2C and B2B. But in the past couple years we’re realizing that the social aspect of H2H, or human-to-human, is what really matters. Ted Rubin, co-author of Return on Relationship, along with Kathyrn Rose, knows about the importance of relationship between the business and the consumer. He reminds […]

The Importance of Having a Risk Management Plan in Place 

  #484714983 / gettyimages.com Managing your business’ online presence involves more than just managing your social media sites and online communities. Keeping an eagle eye on all online mentions is important and can be a daunting task. When you leave your house for an extended period of time, you take the necessary precautions to make […]

Social Awareness on Social Media: Should a Business Be Involved?

What stance should your business take on social issues? We are constantly reading about social issues and awareness on various Social Media platforms. It’s not necessarily due to a rise in these issues, but the wider availability to hear and read about them online and in other media outlets. Social media gives the everyday user […]