Digital marketing data shows what works and what doesn’t. These measurements can help
digital marketers achieve long-term success.

Digital marketing metrics reveal a company’s digital marketing strategy’s health and success.
Many organizations can’t evaluate their digital marketing plan because they employ the wrong
KPIs. If you want to boost your company’s success, don’t only watch traffic stats.

Here are great digital marketing stats. The streamlined flow of every digital marketing campaign
classifies these metrics into three categories:

● Generating Traffic
● Conversion Rate
● Tracking Revenue

Traffic Generation Metrics

Traffic Generation Metrics assist your team in tracking your website’s success. You can see
what is working, where traffic is coming from, and how improve the site.

1. Visibility

First is Visibility. Web Traffic Sources help you determine where your website visitors come from. Direct, referrals
and search engines are the key traffic sources. Each traffic source can help you promote your

2. Smartphones

Mobile traffic is one of the digital marketers top sources of traffic. Mobile traffic research helps
marketers optimize and target a platform. This data can measure mobile campaign performance
and advise future campaign decisions.

3. Click Through Rate

Next is click through rate. Paid search is a popular online advertising method. You can show various ads for each keyword
you target. CTR is the percentage of visitors who click an ad. This measure helps advertisers
understand which keywords are working and which need more work.

4. Cost-Per-Click

Cost per click can help assess a company’s most profitable adverts. It shows firms the worth of
their search ad investments.

Conversion Metrics

Conversion metrics measure the success of any marketing operation.
This is the number of website visitors who make a purchase or complete an action.
If you’re conducting a Facebook Ad campaign for your new app, you’d want to know how many
people download it after clicking your ad and the traffic source.
This data can improve your marketing.

5. Conversion Rates

Conversion rate is how many website visitors become leads or sales. More conversions means
more successful marketing initiatives.

6. Bounce Rate

Bounce rate is the percentage of website visitors who instantly leave. The bounce rate shows
how users engage with your website. People often bounce because theres not enough
material. , too much white space or too little content can cause it.
Mobile-optimizing websites, clear calls-to-action, and relevant information can reduce bounce

7. Site Visits

This includes how long visitors spend on your site, how often they click, and how many pages
they view. Average time on site measures user involvement. Visitors are more likely to act if
they spend more time on your website or app.

8. Regular Customers

Returning visitors are more likely to engage with your website’s content. After they know
your site, they’ll share additional material. By knowing how recurring visitors use your site, you
can improve it.

Below are Revenue Metrics

9. Return on Investment

ROI helps organizations understand their profitability. They can see how much they’re gaining
or losing. You can evaluate the profitability of business structures, a product or service, and
advertising campaigns.

10. CAC or Customer Acquisition Cost

CAC is the cost of obtaining a new client. It is the difference between client revenue and direct
and indirect costs. CAC offers internet marketing information.


Digital marketing data show what works and what doesn’t. It helps you learn what causes
conversions, where to spend more on promotions, and how each consumer category responds
to different communications. These measurements can help digital marketers achieve long-term

If you need assistance with your digital marketing metrics, contact us at Bad Rhino!