Was 2024 the year you planned on building out your robust HVAC Marketing strategy to gain more leads and HVAC customers?  How’s it going for you so far?  Whether you’ve taken the steps to elevate your marketing strategy OR if you’re feeling stuck in the mud, we have 14  ideas here to help you gain more HVAC leads.

Regardless of how long your HVAC company has been in business or your geographic location, we’ve learned that sustained success relies on diversifying your HVAC marketing tactics. Doing this successfully ensures:

  1. Increased interest from your local customers and consistency in your HVAC marketing leads
  2. Repeat customers and a growing list of referrals for your business
  3. A more predictable HVAC business throughout the year

Join us in this blog as we share a number of highly efficient strategies to generate new HVAC customers. Ready to jump in?  Let’s go!

1. Start with your Website to get More HVAC Customers

Is your website easy to navigate? Do visitors know how to contact you when landing on your HVAC website?  What’s the first impression your audience has when visiting the site?  Answer these questions without the lens of a business owner and if you feel any of them are lacking, then it’s time to consider a new and improved HVAC Website.

Some of the key areas your website needs to cover and include for potential customers are:

  • Unveiling the complete list of HVAC services you offer
  • The areas your team provides services for
  • Local HVAC awards, accolades, and years of service your company has
  • Provide an easy way for customers to connect with you
  • Transforming visitors into high-quality HVAC leads

If you can do all of the above, while making it easy for customers to reach out about their HVAC needs, then you’re already ahead of most.

2. Leverage Pay-Per-Click (PPC) and Search Engine Marketing (SEM) for HVAC Customers

PPC and SEM campaigns are a MUST HVAC business marketing strategy, consistently proven to yield high-quality HVAC leads and foster the growth of your business. While Google remains the primary search engine, don’t underestimate the potential of Bing.

Why invest in PPC and SEM strategies for HVAC Leads? For starters, every $1 invested in Google Ads, businesses reap an average return of $2. Also, visitors who land on your website through PPC or SEM are 50% more likely to convert.

If you don’t have experience with running PPC and SEM strategies for your HVAC business, we can help. Let’s set up time to talk.

HVAC Google Strategy

3. Bring Your HVAC Leads Back to Your Website with Retargeting

Not all homeowners that stumble on your website are going to hire you on the first click.  As your leads search for HVAC companies, you want to make sure they continue to see you everywhere they turn.  You can do this through retargeting and it’s a powerful HVAC marketing lead strategy.

Have you ever noticed that the same brands appear for you on social, banner ads, etc? You’ve been retargeted and the more you click or engage, the more you’ll be in their web of content and ad messaging. 

To effectively gain HVAC customers through retargeting for your company, it takes careful planning and continuous optimization. 

4. Set Up Social Media Marketing Channels For Your HVAC Company 

A social media community can be a powerful tool for HVAC owners. We suggest creating a HVAC Facebook strategy, along with Linkedin, and Twitter.  Focus on the following categories:

  • Reviews/Testimonials:  Use real reviews from your HVAC customers if you have them.  You can keep their names anonymous.
  • HVAC Blogs:  Writing blogs is a great way to educate customers, while also improving your HVAC SEO.
  • Videos: Use short 30 second to 1 minute videos to answer common questions you receive or finished HVAC projects
  • Company Updates/News: What’s happening at your company? Share with your customers when there’s something worth sharing or highlight new employees.

To generate HVAC leads on social media, we suggest 2-3 social media posts per week.

Why do you need a HVAC Social Media presence?  When your audience finds your website, one of the first things they’ll do is turn to social media to learn about your company.  You want to make sure that you’re easily found and you want to make sure you paint the right picture.  Your HVAC competitors may not be as visible on social media and this is an advantage for you.

5. Run Social Media Ads To Quickly Build Awareness

Social advertising for HVAC leads can be a powerful tool to reach your target audience  and increase visibility for your company.   One key advantage of social advertising is its ability to target specific demographics. HVAC businesses can tailor their ads based on factors such as location, interests, and online behavior to help narrow down to homeowners and business owners who may need HVAC services.

One strategy to test and gain quick data is to boost your social media content with small ad budgets. Once you gain data, you’ll be able to switch out the audience and creatives to find the best performing ad for HVAC marketing leads.

6. Don’t forget about SEO for HVAC Leads

The importance of Search Engine Optimization (SEO) for HVAC leads cannot be overstated. As homeowners search the internet for HVAC companies, a robust online presence is the key to ensuring that your HVAC business is prominently featured in their search results.

SEO acts as a strategic roadmap to enhance the visibility of your website on search engines, making it more likely for potential customers  to discover your services. For HVAC companies, being easily found online is crucial, as business owners and homeowners face emergencies that your HVAC company can help them with.  

Just how important is SEO for HVAC companies? Ask yourself this…how many results do you review before you click or decide to enter a new search phrase? Most people only look at the first 10-15 results or potentially move to page 2.  If you’re not in that first page, does your HVAC marketing company even exist? .

We suggest that you go to Google now and enter search phrases that you’d want homeowners to find your website for.  Do you appear on page 1 or 2?  Do you appear at all?  If you don’t like what you find, it may be time to talk to an agency like Bad Rhino to help with your HVAC SEO.

7. Join your Local Chamber of Commerce

Establish your company as the go to HVAC provider by networking at local events and joining the Chamber of Commerce.  This will only help your HVAC digital marketing campaigns as these folks you meet at networking events will also view you online.

By forming relationships with other small businesses and local professionals, you’re able to become a source of referrals for their business,  which always comes back full circle.  

8. Google Business Profile for HVAC Marketing is Critical

Anytime you search Google for local services in your area, you have likely seen Google Business Profile at work. Results show on a map and lists other details about a business, including their website, reviews, contact information and a map with the location of the business.

When people are searching for an HVAC company, a local Google search is usually their first step. Will you appear on the Map where only 3 HVAC companies will be shown?  Will they be able to easily locate your website and contact information? If not, then they’re moving on to your competitors. 

Bad Rhino is able to help you optimize your Google Business Profile for HVAC leads. Just let us know if you want to learn more.

HVAC Marketing for Leads

9. Answer Every Review, Comment, or Private Message

Keep in mind that every public comment and review is public. Taking the time to respond to each of these shows all potential customers that you’re responsive and that your HVAC business has nothing to hide.

While it may be time consuming, every comment, message and review should be responded to in a timely manner. Don’t view it as you’re ONLY talking to that specific customer, but also showing all prospects and previous customers that you’re responsive and transparent.  

When people notice that you take the time to respond, prospect clients are more likely to leave you private messages and comments, leading to potential new customers for you.

10. Get HVAC Customers through GeoFencing 

You can set up ads through a GeoFence campaign, targeting the specific service areas where your HVAC company wants the largest presence in.  When you do this in concert with your HVAC social ads, google ads, and mailers, this becomes all that more powerful.

We can talk in much greater detail about GeoFencing for HVAC companies and the power that comes with it. Just let us know if you have questions and let’s talk about your Geofencing strategy.

11. Use Nextdoor to build a Local Presence

Have you used NextDoor,  the popular app that connects neighbors and neighborhoods for local tips, service recommendations and more? Many local businesses are found through NextDoor, including HVAC companies. As an HVAC business owner, you should be jumping in to local conversations to offer advice and/or reach out directly to those looking for your services.  

The goal here is to be helpful and get your HVAC company out in conversations. There may not always be a relevant HVAC question, but when there is, you should be the first locally to come into that conversation on NextDoor.

12. Use Direct Mail to gain HVAC Customers

Direct mail is the perfect follow up to your HVAC Digital Marketing ads.  Targeting the same areas increases brand presence and the recognition among your customers.  We’ve found that when both of these are employed, the audience recognizes your brand and thinks of you first when they need your HVAC services.

13. Start a YouTube Channel for Helpful HVAC tips 

Do you have the ability to take short videos of your projects or HVAC tips? Your leads are looking for someone that’s helpful and a company they can trust in their process.  Many of them will start by going to YouTube to find quick and helpful videos to guide them on their HVAC problem. This is where you can win. 

Create a series of short 30-60 second videos to cover your FAQ items.  You can start with your iPhone and then later move into a production of content if you want to elevate your presence further on the channel.

These videos can be added into your social media channels and even to your HVAC website to help educate customers and remove any hesitation in their deciding process.

14. Reach out to your Loyal Customers for Referrals 

Don’t be bashful, especially when just getting started. Your customers will typically refer you to new HVAC business without you asking, but it never hurts to reach out to those you know had a positive experience and ask them to keep you top of mind.

Do you need help implementing any of the HVAC Marketing strategies above?  Contact Bad Rhino for a free consultation!