YouTube for B2B Image

Did you know that YouTube is one of the most-searched sites on the web, second only to Google? That’s right; although it’s famous for hosting viral videos like “Charlie bit my finger – again!” and “David After Dentist,” YouTube has also become a top resource for finding information on literally anything, from product demos to makeup tutorials.

In recent years, lots of companies have taken to YouTube to promote their brand. But B2B (business to business) marketers seem to be lagging. It begs the question: Why should B2B companies get on board? Below are a few reasons to consider:

1. Brand Exposure

As is the case with any social network, having a solid presence on YouTube can help increase your brand exposure. Build your account with videos that are short (three minutes or less) but informative. Add your branding to videos so that if/when they’re shared, viewers can clearly see where they’re coming from. Uploading video content to YouTube allows your audience to search for, watch and share it for you.

Once you’ve added video content, focus on building relationships. YouTube can be a great way to find potential customers who are talking about your brand. In fact, it can even serve as a fantastic forum for discussion. With that said, don’t just upload your videos and walk away! Engage with those who comment on or like your videos for a richer customer experience.

2. SEO

Search engines generally value online video very highly. Simply put, the more videos your brand uploads to the web, the better you’ll rank on Google, Bing and Yahoo. In fact, Google has even begun displaying video and image results at the top of the first page of search results. Tech Crunch reports that “videos were 53 times more likely than traditional web pages to receive an organic first-page ranking.” The numbers clearly speak for themselves.

3. Increased Sales

Adding YouTube videos to your website can absolutely help increase B2B sales. Product demonstrations, for example, help captivate viewers, making them more likely to buy. Mashable cites Blendtec’s “Will it Blend?” videos, in which the company tests which popular devices can be pureed, as an example: “The ROI equaled its creativity, with sales jumping 700% since the campaign started four years ago.” Truly impressive!

Let’s take a look at some statistics, courtesy of video production company Wooshi:

  • People are more than twice as likely to visit a company’s website after seeing an online video
  • One retailer,, found that visitors were 144 percent more likely to make a purchase after watching a demo video
  • was able to lower the rate at which its products were sent back by 25% after incorporating video content on its website

Uploading quality video content for your B2B company is a smart and easy way to boost brand exposure, improve SEO and increase conversions. So what are you waiting for? Start shooting your YouTube videos today! And don’t forget to subscribe to MotivatorsPP for promotional products demos, marketing information and more.