At last year’s #Inbound13 conference in Boston, Seth Godin said the following about connection: ” We’re leaving the industrial economy and entering the connection economy. Mass won’t work any more.”
Ted Rubin also writes about connecting in his blog post titled, How to Look People in the Eye Digitally. He uses an example of being at a conference, meeting someone, and while talking they’re looking all around the room instead of looking at you. About this he says, “Those signals mean they aren’t really ‘present’ in the conversation, so there is no true connection.”
Whether in a physical or online social setting, connection is vital. Now that companies have an online presence and people can find them on various Social Media platforms, they have to make that connection. It’s what people are looking for, especially from companies. They reach out now via social networks rather than phone calls or emails.
Let’s take a look at four positive emotions you can instill on your sites. Each one plays an important role in making an emotional connection with your followers, customers or online community.
Make people feel comfortable on your site by ensuring it has a welcoming feel. Being friendly and upbeat will make them comfortable enough to stay around and see what else is on your site. The appearance, content and maneuverability of your site are important to creating this feeling.
Generating enthusiasm can be accomplished by using incentives such as contests, surveys, customer appreciation and special offers. It encourages participation and enthusiasm about recognition and rewards. You can also create enthusiasm by the way you interact with your online community. Shout-outs, congratulations and any “verbal” encouragement will create an upbeat environment on your sites.
Instilling hope in potential followers and customers is done by the promise that your brand can meet a need or want that they have. Once they are hopeful that you can help them, they will then feel motivated to take action. You accomplish this in two ways. First, by posting content that provides value for them. Second, by responding respectfully and quickly to their inquiries and comments. Your consistent presence will go a long way with your followers.
The more your company strives to connect positively with followers, the more interaction you’ll have with them. Giving people the feeling of connection, or being a part of group or community will give them a place where they belong. They will feel that they are important to your company.
When you get people to your sites, you want to get them motivated to return again and again, tell their family and friends about your brand, and eventually buy. If you can instill the emotions I’ve already listed, then they should be motivated to make your company a part of their lives.
Are you making the emotional connection?
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