The U.S. craft beer scene is exploding faster than microbrews can be poured from tap to pint glass. As the phenomena combining innovation, creativity, and distinctiveness in taste continues to boom economically (think: a $67.8 billion industry back in 2016 alone), competition is steeper than ever. Coupled with the fact that the majority of Americans live within a 10-mile radius of a local craft brewery, it’s more vital than ever for those in the beer business to not only establish a strong web presence to engage with customers, but also continuously find ways to enhance its own visibility among a sea of rivals.

To illustrate uniqueness and make your brewery’s assets shine above the rest, these effective strategies offer a high ROI in building credibility, brand awareness, and most importantly, return business:

1) Speed and Responsiveness

In 2018, it’s not enough to ensure that your website is fully functional when a prospective beer aficionado visits. Considering that 40% of users will abandon a site after three seconds if the page fails to load, failing to address the time it takes to load a site is a major no-no. 

2) Brand Standards

By incorporating compelling, large imagery and a polished font (and no, Comic Sans doesn’t count) into your overall look, you will allow the originality and sophistication of your brand to be conveyed throughout one of your primary online channels.

3) Easy Navigation

Simply put, minimal is better, and a complex navigation system will cause frustration and abandonment, especially with potential consumers. Not every page needs to be represented in a navigation tree!

4) Visual Effects

The appearance of white space can frighten, but in the case of a website, it creates a much more aesthetically striking balance between text and images. Users are seeking an online experience that is just as pleasing on the eyes as it is in satisfying their curiosity.

5) Rich Content

Above all else, curating new and valuable content in your brand’s voice will keep your audience coming back for more. For example, educate them on the latest trending topics in the industry with a weekly blog, and leverage the stories about your each of your brews through fun and interactive means (one of our personal favorites –

To create a winning social media strategy for your craft beer brand, talk to us at Bad Rhino today to see what we can do for you. We also have a great Website Partner with Packages right for your Brewery.