With the continued growth of social media, there’s no better time than the present to utilize the platform as a marketing tool for your golf course. We’re highlighting the top 5 ways to keep your social media practices on par.


1. Choose The Right Content To Post

Choosing what to post is the most crucial element of any social media profile. To get started, ask yourself: what are the best aspects of your club? Why would people want to join your club? This is what you want to present on your social media profiles. Tell your followers what makes your club special by going beyond photos of the golf course and property. To do this, you may consider posts that celebrate your members and employees, showcase events at the club, feature member testimonials, spotlight featured members, share news from the golf industry, and more!


2. Put The “Social” In Social Media

Engage with your followers to make them feel heard and create an interactive experience. Comment on posts that mention your account and respond to comments on your own posts. To add to this interactive experience, be sure to answer any questions that your followers may have, both good and bad. 71% of consumers who have had a positive experience with a company on social media are likely to recommend it to friends and family, which makes responding to your audience an essential step for gaining followers and referrals. It shows your followers that you are responsive and that you care about them. It also creates a personal connection with your audience, while strengthening brand loyalty.


3. Have Fun With Contests And Giveaways

Contests and giveaways can bring a plethora of benefits to your course. They can increase engagement, increase followers, drive email collection, and generate referrals. You can give away an item from your pro shop, a free dessert from your restaurant, or a free round of golf. However you format your contest, be sure it encourages your followers to like, comment, and share.


4. Encourage User-Generated Content

This might be the most essential aspect of your social media plan, as your members are the core of your club. Encourage them to tag you in their posts at the golf club and repost them to your account. Not only does this give you more content to publish, but it makes your members feel special and gives your followers a first-hand experience of what it’s like to be at your golf club. Additionally, it adds a sense of credibility to your account, as it acts in the same way a testimonial would.


5. Stay Active During The Off-Season

While your followers may not be playing golf, they sure are yearning for it. Keep them engaged and interested in your course by staying active on social media during the off-season. Get them looking forward to the new season by posting “throwback” pictures and videos, tips, and anything new your course might be offering.


Want to make sure your social media stays in the fairway? Let Bad Rhino help.