Pinterest is generally associated as being the “go-to” site to find home decor or recipes, however, it is now home to photos, graphics, links and inspiration for anything you want to find.

Most of the users on the platform are searching for photos of new products, so it can be very useful for businesses with a visual aspect. 

Having a Pinterest strategy that makes sense for your business is the best way to get started with the platform.

Here are our 5 tips to get started with Pinterest.

#1 Brand your profile 

To start, make sure you have a business account with Pinterest so you have access to analytics, pins and more.

Then you need to continue to brand your Pinterest profile so that it’s easily recognizable as belonging to you and your business.

You can do this by: 

  • Choosing a cover board 

Cover boards show pins from that board at the very top of your profile.  This is the place to add a branded board that has blog posts, graphics, products and other designs from your business.

  • Selecting up to five showcase boards

You can choose up to five boards to showcase at the top of your profile and they’ll slide from one board to the next, previewing them. This is a great place to feature your product, service or blog boards. They will appear under your name and bio.

  • Upload a profile picture 

Chose a photo that best represents your business.

  • Brand your board covers 

Pinterest gives you the ability to choose specific covers for your boards. This allows you to match your branding with the rest of your Pinterest profile.

  • Verify your website

Verifying your website is how you’ll get access to analytics for your website on Pinterest. It will also turn on the rich pins feature that will share more information about your link.

  • Write a bio 

The best practices for a Pinterest bio are similar to those on your other platforms, however, you want to make sure that you clearly communicate your brand’s mission statement and what you offer.

#2 Determine your content strategy 

There are many different types of content that perform well on Pinterest. Find your niche and what you’re best at so that you can create content that will be successful.

These include:

  • Product pins
  • Blog post graphics
  • Infographics pins
  • Lead magnets

#3 Join community boards

Joining or creating community group boards is a great marketing strategy to help get your content out there. Pinterest allows users to invite others to contribute to a board, and is a great way to get your content in front of new audiences.

You want to search for other Pinners in your niche and check to see if they have group boards that are related to your industry.

Finally, once you join, be sure to remain active within those boards. You want to pin your own content and also create other content so you’re not only promoting your own business.

#4 Focus on Pinterest SEO 

Pinterest has its own algorithm for its visual search engine. Focusing on your Pinterest SEO and implementing search engine optimization rules will show your ranking increase on your profile.

Focus on keywords on:

  • Your profile
  • Your pins
  • Your boards

#5 Schedule out fresh pins  

Continuously sharing new content on Pinterest will improve the quality of your profile and increase your chances that Pinterest will share your content in the search results.

You could even repost your Instagram post to extend the reach of your content.

Feel free to contact the Rhinos if you have any questions!