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Website: Social Media Examiner

Article: 3 Social Media Tools That Help Marketers Save Time

Why spend more time on your social media marketing when there are ways to make your it quicker? Here’s one reason: the budget. The answer to that lies within these 3 tools that will greatly lower your time spent working on your marketing (without breaking the bank).

1. HootSuite
Hands down, the most comprehensive and easy-to-use tweet-organizing site. For a low(ish) price range HootSuite allows everyone in your brand to use the site and schedule tweets, follow hashtags and look out for social mentions.

2. BuzzSumo
For marketing this tool is more than clutch. You can match different key words to Twitter in order to find people you may want to connect with. Like anything, its all about the money–use BuzzSumo now while it’s still a free for everyone to use!

3. Mention
As long as you don’t have aspirations to check up on other brands, Mention is perfect for you because it’s free if you only track your own mentions. This tool will find both social and blog mentions which (of course) is a great feature for any brand trying to watch its growth.

What’re some cheap and efficient tools you use for social media marketing?