UPDATE: May 2024


Welcome to the Bad Rhino Blog!  My name is Rich DeMatteo and I am one of the Co-Founders of Bad Rhino, Inc.

By now you probably have a few questions floating in your head.  Questions like:

  • What is Bad Rhino, Inc?
  • What will you find here on the Bad Rhino Blog?
  • Who Co-Founded Bad Rhino
  • Where to follow Bad Rhino

What is Bad Rhino, Inc?

Bad Rhino, Inc is a Digital Marketing Agency, founded in 2011 by Marty McDonald and Rich DeMatteo. Bad Rhino services clients of all industries, sizes, and revenue models.

When you work with Bad Rhino, you gain an entire team of leading Digital Marketers, charging together with your success as our goal.


What will you find here on the Bad Rhino Blog?

Join us on the blog to discover our thoughts on trending topics in Digital Marketing, successful strategies of our clients, and more.


Who Co-Founded Bad Rhino, Inc?

Bad Rhino, Inc was Co-Founded by Marty McDonald and Rich DeMatteo with visions of a marketing agency brewing between the two in 2010. Over the years we’ve been asked more times than we can count, “Why Bad Rhino?”, “Did you go on a safari?”.

The short answer is no.  The longer answer is…contact us and we’ll gladly tell you!

Check out our “About” page to read more about our story!

Where to follow us:

Join the crash!