“Craft Beer Marketing with Bad Rhino’s Marty McDonald”

Interviewed by Amanda
“Craft Beer Marketing with Bad Rhino’s Marty McDonald ”
(Run Time – 45:42)

Show Notes from Great Beer Adventure

What’re They Drinking

Funky Buddha Brewery:

Floridian Hefeweizen (ABV 5.2%) – Suntan for your soul

Name Your Beer

All good things have names. Like babies, planets, and our favorite beverages. A name adds character to a beer and gives you a sense (most of the time) of what the beer will taste like. But names are also windows into the people and communities that make the beer in the first place. Marty and Amanda discuss how to successfully brand beers and the strange naming conventions breweries use to grab a wistful drinker’s attention. Based on the assortment of things on my desk I decided to come up with some beer names of my own. I’d probably have to market them to paleontologists and lovers of extinct aquatic reptiles.

Out of Season Plesiosaur IPA

Blind Tyrant Lizard Gose

Naming Challenge

Think you have a sassy name for a new brew? Share it with Amanda. Furthermore, I challenge you to come up with a Disney themed beer name and we’ll see which one she fancies best.

Be Adventurous!

Next time you see a weird beer, drink it! This is the Great Beer Adventure, after all. What’s an adventure without a spicy pepper based beer or beer that tastes like pie and casserole? A few that standout to me are Frothy Beard’s ¡Ándale! Pale Ale & Westbrook’s Key Lime Pie Gose.

Bad Rhino

Consistency is key in both storytelling and marketing. A discernable voice needs to be the driving personality behind any brewery and the communities they engage with. Bad Rhino helps brand spankin’ new breweries help develop their brand while also helping established breweries tweak their engagement so they don’t plateau. If you’re looking at stepping up from homebrew to a small brewery you’ll want to rewind this episode a few times. In fact, if you use any marketing at all you’ll want to give it a few listens.

Also, if you want more of Marty’s insights check out his book over on Amazon: Great Beer Is Not Enough: How Social Media Can Create Raving Fans & Increase Consumer Demand