
Having your  business on Facebook has become more mobile friendly. A lot of businesses have pages on Facebook for their companies and post things about their business on this page they created. Facebook is releasing an updated version of its Pages Manager Application that is accessible on both iOS and Android. The app itself is designed for people on the go that need to manage their page in a hurry or only have time to work on their page on their mobile device.

This update allows easier access to tools for the page administrators along with quicker navigation to page activity. The application also gives easier and direct access to the action bar where page admins can compose posts, add photos, and edit their pages.

The updated version also offers a more direct access to the action bar, where you can write a post, add a photo, or simply edit your page.

This design makes creating a page for something or adding to it a lot more easier and simple. The application is a lot less crowded with a lot of different things to do instead spread out and divided to give the app a more clean look.