As an HVAC company on Nextdoor, you have the unique opportunity to use HVAC nextdoor ads to market directly to local neighborhoods, helping you reach new customers and grow your business. Nextdoor ads provide HVAC companies with the tools to increase brand awareness within their communities, advertise special promotions or sales, and connect with potential customers in a meaningful way. By leveraging Nextdoor’s platform, you can showcase your services to a highly engaged audience, ensuring that your business stays top of mind when neighbors need HVAC solutions. Expand your reach, boost your visibility, and watch your customer base grow with targeted advertising on Nextdoor.

Why should HVAC Companies Advertise on Nextdoor?

Being visible where neighbors are having conversations is crucial. On platforms like Nextdoor, people frequently recommend service providers and contractors. Your HVAC nextdoor ads can be discovered and shared, sparking conversations around your brand. You also want to ensure you’re on a platform where homeowners go to find you and that’s what the Nextdoor community has become.

HVAC Nextdoor Ads


79% of Nextdoor neighbors say they have been influenced by recommendations seen on Nextdoor to visit a recommended business or use a recommended service

Home services on Nextdoor


How to get started with Nextdoor Ads for HVAC Companies

Step 1: Create Your Nextdoor Ad Account

Your first step will be to create your Nextdoor ads account and follow the steps.  While not difficult, it may be tedious if you’re not experienced with ad platforms and if that’s the case, just contact Bad Rhino and we can guide you through that step or take it off your plate.

When you’re through the account set up, you’ll click on Create Campaign, which will then take you to the following page where you’ll choose your campaign objective:

Nextdoor Ad Campaign for HVAC

For the purpose of this blog, we’re not going to spend time on this step, but this is where you’ll want to focus on the goals of your specific campaign. Each of the above objectives will play a part in your HVAC Digital Marketing Strategy in building your funnel.  For now, just choose Website Visits to move to the next step in building your HVAC Nextdoor ads camapaign.

Step 2: Build Your Ad Group: Target Homeowners and Select your Budget

Nextdoor ads are an amazing tool for HVAC companies who want to target homeowners.  In the below video, I share some tips on how to set up your Ad Group to target homeowners in your service areas.  I also walk through some thoughts around the budget/bidding.

Step 3: Create your HVAC Ad With Copy & Creative

Now you’re ready to build out your ad and share your offer with your local community. This is the fun part, but it’s also what most HVAC owners struggle with. Trust us when we say that you’ll want to focus on testing everything in this step. Test Ad headlines, copy, videos versus images, multiple images…everything.

In the following video I’m going to walk you through a few best practices to build out your HVAC ad on Nextdoor, including ad copy, headlines, images, video, etc.

Step 4: Let Your Ads Run and Monitor Results

We suggest launching multiple HVAC nextdoor ads per campaign (depending on your budget) to test effectiveness.  You’re also going to want to test different saved/ cold audiences. If you’re new to this platform (and HVAC ads in general) keep in mind that testing will be your best friend and that results will not happen overnight.  With that said, we HAVE seen clients see super fast results with their campaigns, but that usually comes when they have laser focused audiences and a winning offer.

Are you thinking of running Nextdoor ads for your HVAC business? We’d love to introduce you to our proven system that helps HVAC companies grow. Ready to learn more? Visit Bad Rhino’s HVAC Marketing page.