Philly Advertising Agency When ready to select the right Philly Advertising Agency to partner with your company, there are a few things you need to focus on.  Picking the wrong agency to handle your social media advertising will end up costing more money and time, so be sure to get it right the first time. Being recently named #1 as a best Philly Advertising Agency, Bad Rhino knows a few of the questions that you must be asking.

1. Ask about their experience running social media advertising campaigns

Make sure the Philly Advertising Agency you work with has experience running all different kinds of campaigns on social. They should have experience with Facebook ads, Twitter ads, Instagram ads, Linkedin ads, and even with Pinterest ads. They should be able to talk about building custom audiences, placing pixels for retargeting, amongst other things.

2. Ask each Philly Advertising Agency about their process

Social Advertising Process This part is super important. The Philly Advertising Agency you choose should have a process that’s mapped out easily for you to follow. Learn how they’ll gain access to your ad account and then the process they utilize to start testing. Make sure to ask how long the expect to test and how much data needs to be gathered before you’ll see results.

Understanding their process takes time, so be sure to ask plenty of questions here.





3. Ask for testimonials and reviews from each Philly Advertising Agency

Bad Rhino Social Media Reviews Any great Philly Advertising Agency will be able to hand over case studies, reviews, and testimonials. Make sure to review the provided case studies and testimonials over a phone call. The agency should be able to walk you through exactly what they did and how those examples could potentially help your brand.

Bad Rhino has trusted Clutch to interview our clients and make their reviews public. Great reviews has helped Bad Rhino be named a top Social Media Company in Philadelphia recently.



Are you ready to see how Bad Rhino can help with your advertising strategy? Contact us by clicking here.