TikTok is a great platform to grow your following online. While it may be easy to generate video content, it still requires strategy. 

Here are our tips to grow your following on TikTok.  

#1: Post 4-8 Times Per Day on TikTok

Posting frequently will give you the opportunity to reach greater audiences, which will help you grow your account quickly. Posting 4-8 times a day gives you the opportunity to reach 4-8 different types of audiences. 

Make sure that there is a variety of different content that you are posting.

These could include:

  • Teach your audience how to do something related to your niche
  • A trending dance
  • Something funny
  • Behind the scenes

It’s up to you to decide what to post that best  relates to your brand and the goals you want to achieve. However, your content should always do one thing: Bring the people back to you and your page.

#2: Always Use New TikTok Features

Using the new features that TikTok offers in your videos, will push your content out even more. 

These include: 

  • Filters and effects 
  • Duets 
  • Hashtags
  • QR code scanne
  • Live streaming 
  • Categorizing videos

#3: Participate in TikTok Trends

Any trends you see repeatedly on the For You page, participate in them. You can even add your own twist to the trend to match your niche. 

The best thing to do is change the ending when you put your own spin on a trend. In order to go viral on TikTok you have to be able to get the audience to keep watching your videos. Changing the ending to something that they don’t expect, will achieve that. 

Trends are constantly changing on the platform, so be sure to stay up-to date on the trends. 

#4: Kickstart Your Own Trend on TikTok

You could even start your own trend using a sound, transition or an effect. If you’re lucky enough, big creators can start doing the trend and tagging you.

Having big creators participate in your trend, duet or stitch you is a big deal. It could lead to millions of people doing the trend and tagging you, having your account grow overnight. 

#5: Go Live Daily on TikTok

The ability to go live on TikTok is only a feature those with more than 1,000 followers can do. 

However, going live gives you the opportunity to connect with your TikTok community. You can have conversation with viewers, which is something you can’t do with your regular videos.

*Pro tips

  • Before you actually go Live, create a TikTok video and post it to your account first—then go live, because the visibility of your live stream could help boost your video views.
  • Go Live while you are working. People enjoy seeing behind-the-scenes content. It also builds anticipation for what you’re working on

#6: Create a Video Series on TikTok

Create a series of videos on TikTok that relate to your niche and expertise that will appeal to your audience.

Having a series of videos will have the audience keep coming back to your page. And if someone happens to come across the third video first, they’ll have a reason to go back to watch parts 1 and 2 on your page. 

*Pro tip: Always mention which part of the series it is, first, second or third, so that people know when to come back or go rewatch a previous part. 

#7: Create Stitchable Content

A stitch on TikTok means you create a piece of content and then a creator takes a bite-sized piece of it and adds their content to the end.

Whoever stitches your video, their followers will see your content in the video but also see your name, which is clickable. If those viewers end up visiting your page, you could gain a lot of new followers from one small stitched video.

These 7 tips will help you get more views on your videos and accelerate your account growth.

If you want to learn more, contact the Rhinos!