You’ve done it, I’ve done it. We’ve all been guilty of it. We’ve mass-posted a single post to all of our social media channels. The same link, same image and same copy to accompany both. It may not seem like a big deal, but chances are the audiences on these social platforms that are viewing your content are different if you were to compare them.

Facebook may have 900 million registered users, but we can tell that LinkedIn’s 161 million registered users definitely have a different end goal. LinkedIn is catering to a more business professional audience. Whereas Facebook is a platform to let everyone share and communicate, no matter the subject matter.

While you want to write every post to resonate with a certain platform, theses posts shouldn’t work against each other. When creating posts effectively, they will work together. That being said, here are a two big ways to reevaluate what you’re scheduling to post for yourself or your brand:

Know Your Social Media Audience

Chances are you already know your target audience and where they hang out.  However, if you’re posting valuable content and have genuine interactions online, you’ll notice your social media audience begins to grow.  That being said, you may have a few additions to your typical target market. Thus, your social media audience may be a whole new target for you to examine.

With your social media audience, you’ll notice how people interact differently online. It’s said that 71% of American adults use Facebook, 22% use LinkedIn and only 16% use Twitter. (Tweet this!)Thus, it’s important to see what your additional social media audience is interested in.

A great way to see who is hanging out on your different social media channels is to start tracking and measuring the content that you post. Campaign URLs are a great way to start. For example: Say for the course of a week you have 3 posts, one is a best-practices whitepaper download, one is a “5 tips” blog and another is industry related news.

By using a campaign URL to track these links, you’ll be able to see where most of your traffic is coming from (in this case, socially). Which post saw most traffic from Facebook, Twitter or LinkedIn? Which social platform has visitors that stayed longest on your site?

Maybe your Facebook audience typically likes tips-type blogs and your LinkedIn likes whitepaper download.  Either way, this is a great starting point to evaluating your social media audience. By knowing what they’re most interested in or respond to best, you’ll be able to adjust posts going forward.

Post Content Consideration

We know photos are the most popular post type on social platforms. 75% of all posts created by Facebook Pages are photos.  Fans are also 87% more likely to share these photos on Facebook. (Tweet this!) Photos on Twitter boost retweets by 35%. (Tweet this!) All in all, photos are a great choice when posting on Facebook.

The difference is… what photos will resonate with your Facebook audience? What about those on Twitter or LinkedIn?

In addition to considering how you will deal with your post type, think about the language that will accompany it. Is it okay to use abbreviations on LinkedIn? Or are they better suited for Twitter? What about industry jargon, what platform would that be acceptable to sue? Which platform audience would be more receptive to a more conversational, fun tone, instead of a more professional one?

In order to get maximum engagement on posts at your social media channels, it’s imperative to really understand who is doing the engaging. By adjusting your posts to the specific social media audiences, you’ll be to grasp more engagement and expand your reach.

What tips or tricks have you found to be successful when altering the feel of posts for each platform?