Looking for someone to promote your brand? Look no further, we discuss the similarities and differences of brand ambassadors and influencers so you can choose which one is right for you. Both brand ambassadors and influencers are a good way to promote your product/service and gain new customers. However, there are several key components that differentiate brand ambassadors and influencers.

Brand Ambassador

Brand ambassadors are people who love your products and brand. They also are experts at sharing your brand with others. Brand ambassadors aren’t always celebrities, and they don’t have to have a large network of social media followers. They usually are authorities in their field, and the field that your brand serves. For example, a fitness instructor would be a credible brand ambassador for Gymshark.

A brand ambassador doesn’t always have to be well known. If they’re dedicated to spreading word about your brand, your brand ambassador could be a customer, friend, or employee. Most brand ambassadors commit to an ongoing relationship with your brand. They will continuously promote it on social media, events, and through networking. Some brand ambassadors receive more or free products as an incentive for their service, but most brand ambassadors are more than happy to assist you without compensation. Since they refrain from partnering with your competitors, it makes them more committed and loyal, which opens the opportunity for your brand to stand out and be noticed. If you’re looking to build customer loyalty, brand ambassadors are the way to go.


A social media influencer is someone who has established credibility in a specific industry, has access to a huge audience and can persuade people to act based on their recommendations. There are multiple different types of influencers ranging from mega to micro. Influencers show others how to use your product on their social media channels. Different from brand ambassadors, your relationship with influencers will most likely be short-term. They also may have never used your product before. You should choose an influencer based on their following, reputation, and their ability to reach your target audience. For example, an athletic apparel company may ask and NBA player to share/post them using their product.

Unlike brand ambassadors, influencers will expect some sort of incentive to promote your product. This could include money, discounts, or free product. One thing to keep in mind is that an influencer may not want to work with your brand, so be prepared to choose multiple people you want to use.

Below are the three main types of influencers

Macro-Influencers: A macro influencer is someone who has a large following. These social media experts tend to have between 100,000 to 1 million followers. A classic feature of a macro-influencer is their ability to produce new content regularly and for many of these people, their social media platforms have become a full-time job.

Micro-Influencers: A micro influencer is someone who has a medium-large following. They have somewhere around 10,000 to 100,000 followers. Micro-influencers come across as relatable and believable, and they are the ideal choice for start-ups and new brands.

Celebrities:  A celebrity influencer is a well-known individual, who live in the public eye. They usually have millions of followers. They are famous beyond their social media presence.


Now that you’ve learned the similarities and differences of brand ambassadors and influencers, it’s up to you to decide which one fits better with your brand.

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