Here is a quick case study from our website to show how we have provided trackable ROI through social media in just 60 days of working with a new client.

The Client

Jazmine Thai is an authentic Thai restaurant in a suburb of Philadelphia. The food, atmosphere, and staff are fantastic, which has led to relationships with many loyal customers.

Jazmine Thai in West Chester

Social Media Usage & Problems Before Bad Rhino

Like most restaurants and small businesses, Jazmine Thai didn’t have enough time, resources, or social media knowledge to manage  on their own.

While Facebook was set up, posts were inconsistent, sometimes going months without an update. Social updates were boring, lacking voice, style, and engagement. Twitter was not set up for the business.

Bad Rhino’s Social Media Strategy for Jazmine Thai

  • Optimize Facebook & Twitter for both performance and aesthetics
  • Develop Consistent Facebook content that showcases their authentic food, engages the audience, drives sales, and builds a brand
  • Utilize Twitter to locate tweets by keywords and location to start the conversation with potential new customers
Food Picture Post With Engagement – 16 Comments
Coupon Post for $10 Off Next Visit – 67 Comments


Locating & Engaging a New Potential Customer via Twitter Keywords

Locating Customer on Twitter


Locating & Enticing a New Potential Customer with a First-Time Coupon

Locating a customer on Twitter by keyword

We then set up Monthly Social Coupons to Prove ROI, while rewarding loyal customers & entice first timers to try out the restaurant.

Month 1 Social Coupon: $10 Off When Spending $50 or more: 37 Vouchers received at $50 minimum = $1850+

Month 2 Social Coupon: $15 Off When Spending $75 or more: 23 Vouchers received at $75 minimum = $1725

End Result – ROI

The value of social media comes in different forms:

Trackable ROI/Coupons:  Through the first two months, the client paid $1700 and social coupons brought in trackable revenue of $3575.  The coolest part about it for us and our client was that many of these people were new to the restaurant and they are now repeat customers.

Increased Exposure/Branding: Consistent content, targeted Twitter Following/Engagement, and optimized social channels meant that more people in their target location heard about Jazmine Thai.  Many of these people will try the restaurant at some point, but won’t credit social media with their visit.

Customer Service & Reputation Management: Bad Rhino is lightning quick to respond to comments, questions, and both positive/negative feed back. We help to keep customers happy and avoid any sort of horrific negative experience going public.

Peace of Mind for the Client: The client knows their social media is being handled by experts.  They can focus on managing the restaurant, perfecting their product, and developing better relationships with customers in-person.