For weeks, Facebook has been making updates and changes to the Business Suite platform and it’s changing our processes and most importantly –– Facebook Ads. There’s been chatter that Facebook and Instagram advertising has taken a big hit over the past month and it can be extremely frustrating when your strategy is solid, but you’re not seeing your anticipated results. 


Why is this happening to my ads?


It’s The 4th Quarter: 

Every year during Q4, the competition with ads increases. This is due to big companies increasing their spend for the holidays through the rest of the year. This isn’t always something that will affect your reach or clicks, but if big companies are spending 3x your budget they’re getting prime real estate on the platform. 


We’re In An Election Year

During this election, more money is being pushed on the platform than ever before. Roughly $796.8 million dollars has been spent on political advertising through the Facebook platform. The ability to customize your targeting and reach has played a crucial role during this time and consequently Facebook’s advertising policy has adjusted in light of this. These adjustments are causing more ads to be flagged and paused even if there’s no violation. This is potentially why your ads aren’t seeing the results you want.


Apple’s IOS Update

The Apple iOS14 is going to interfere with Facebook Ads in terms of giving users ability to restrict advertisers’ access to them due to Apple’s new wave of privacy on iPhone. Specifically, Apple is restricting access to appease user’s the fear they’re being constantly tracked.

The problems for Facebook and its advertisers stem from the fact that iOS 14 signals the end of collecting iPhone identifiers for advertisers (IDFA), due to Apple’s strong measures to prevent services from tracking you across apps.” – Forbes 

This new update could be hazardous for your ad revenue on Facebook, but not every user who has an iPhone has the technical literacy to enforce these options.


Facebook’s Update

You’ve probably seen some changes going on around Facebook through their Business Suite and Business Manager facets. When platforms update in major ways, not every user’s experience will be the same until everyone has the newest update. This can cause some of your ads to slip through the cracks and you may not be able to reach people you were reaching before. Things will be smoother moving forward once all updates are consistent across all users. 


Here’s What You Can Do About Your Ads

  1. Monitor, Monitor, and Monitor.

You’re going to need to take a fine tooth comb and monitor your ads and all of your selections within them closely. Maybe you need to increase your budget or make a different selection for the target audience. Let the ads run and look closely at the results and adjust where it’s warranted.


  1. Relaunch Your Campaign

If you’re seeing a negative return on ad spend (ROAS), you’re going to want to pause your campaign and assess what is going wrong. Try to test and relaunch your campaign with different images, captions, etc. Facebook Ads makes it easy to test out different versions of your ad to see which will perform better. 


  1. Try New Headlines

Try to switch up your messaging. The style of your captions and language might be solid, but if you’re not seeing the engagement you want right now, switch it up. Small changes to your caption or imagery that you use could potentially benefit your KPIs.

If you need further guidance on how you strategically work through the current downfall with Facebook ads, contact the ad experts at Bad Rhino. The Crash will lead you to the results you want.