Website: Social Media Examiner 

Article: 5 Steps to Building Quality LinkedIn Connections

Do your research, ask questions, make conversation and post quality information that’ll make you stand out. Here are the 5 steps to building quality LinkedIn connections.

1. Get Your House in Order
It’s important to understand the basics of LinkedIn and the expectations of the people using the site. Make sure you have a professional profile (with a professional picture to match) and figure out the best engagement times for posts on LinkedIn. Once that’s all completed, and you’re ready to meet others on the site, just create a spreadsheet to keep tabs on the progress you make and connections you attain. Find Your Market Influencers on LinkedIn

2. Find Your Market Influencers on LinkedIn
First take a look at your existing connections and find them on LinkedIn. In addition to the connections or clients you should come in contact with on the site, also search for other companies and/or people who are actively engaged in your market.  

3. Join Relevant LinkedIn Groups
It’s vital to not just stop at finding the leading voice in your market, but also figuring out what topics and subjects they are    interested in. Go to your influencer’s LinkedIn profiles and find their Group section. Check these out and join the ones that find your or your brand’s needs.

4. Create an Editorial Calendar
The most popular content or questions that take place in a group should be your target areas of opportunity. These topics should be the basis for the development of an editorial calendar. It’s important, as you make this calendar, to remember not to use generic content because that will hinder you from getting the attention your brand deserve. Use thoughtful, useful information to build a strong client conversation.

5. Post the Right Kind of Content
Don’t cover up your disguised sales message through addressing of issues or offering information in a group – people can tell. If you post/share often, make sure it is relevant to the conversations taking place to avoid looking like spam and rely on conversation tactics to capture your new leads.

Read the full post here.