Website: Business 2 Community

Article: Twitter Followers: 10 Ways To Grow Your Followers

Business 2 Community offered a great top 10 list on how to grow your Twitter following. Here are the top 4 that we found most helpful:

1. Follow (Almost) Everyone Back

Always follow back, with the exception of porn (obviously), annoying posts with “#TeamFollowBack,” and people with eggs as their profile photo. A good point B2C’s post made was that you never know who is behind the account, who they know and how their connections can help you.

2. List & Stalk
One of the most effective (and hilarious in its honesty) would be to make lists and to “lightly stalk those people.” It is so important to make lists and keep tabs on the people who fall under the categories of each list. You can list by relationship, geographic area, clients, etc.

3. Research & Engage
Make sure to search for things that pertain to your business on twitter. If you’re a florist, search tulips and petunias; if you’re a small hole-in-a-wall Italian restaurant – meatballs and stuffed peppers. Find people talking about it and engage. Engagement is key to getting more follows to your page.

4. Ask Questions
Ask questions that push people to give an answer. If you own bagel shop in Jersey, ask “Taylor Ham or Pork Roll?” If you run a social media marketing company, ask “Who’s still on Facebook?” People love to give their two cents about everything.

Read the full post here.