Website: Social Media Examiner 

Article: 14 Ways to Make Your Twitter Updates More Creative 

Social media can get boring. Sometimes brands need to spruce-up the content they post on Twitter to make sure that they don’t go stale. Here are four easy things to post to get more engagement and not make your page look so boring!

1. Questions
People naturally answer questions when they read them. Posing a question in a tweet has a better chance of engagement than just posting a statement because it’s asking the follower to engage and give their opinion. People love to give their two cents.

2. Live Tweeting
People love information (regardless what its about.) Being a go to for the happenings at an event can make followers view your page even more. Also, if you are live tweeting something that is popular, odds are your followers are too. Being part of the conversation is important.

3. Memes
Whether its “Grumpy Cat” or one of the countless pictures floating around the internet of Nicholas Cage, memes are something everyone loves. People already respond well to visual content, making them laugh while your at it is a double win. Creating a meme that corresponds with your brand is a real subtle way to promote your company.

4. Other people’s content
Retweeting is a huge key to getting other accounts to support you. People are much quicker to promote or retweet someone who has retweeted them in the past. Having other people’s content and perspectives on your page also shows your audience that you’re open to other ideas.