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Website: Business 2 Community

Article: Why Strong Social Media Benefits Your SEO

There was a time when merely building more links than competitors meant good SEO. However, links alone no longer will do it. A strong social media presence is where it’s at.

Here are 5 reasons a strong social media presence benefits SEO.

1. SEO spreads your reach
Social media allows your brand to be put directly in front of perspective customers. Interaction will make your followers feel connected to your brand.

2. Active social media pages drive web traffic
Link-based SEO does not bring fruitful traffic. Social media-based SEO facilitates traffic from real, engaged people (who are already interested in your product or services) to become customers.

3. Social media is a signal for site popularity
Google no longer views links as importantly as they used to for popularity ranking because of the rise of spam-links. It’s a lot harder to fake real social signals from users on social media (obviously).

4. Social media followers becomes your promoters
Once content is put on your site, immediately post a link of it to your social media page so that your followers can do the promotion for you by retweeting, and replying to your post. 

5. Avoid Google penalties with less focus on links
Google does not like link building and spamming to gain popularity of a site. With the utilization of your social media influence, you can avoid pissing off Google and get real traffic that is more meaningful than traffic from links.

Read the full post here.