dan roseIt seems as if Facebook always has a surprising trick up their sleeve and this latest development will be no different. Now that Facebook has conquered games, music, and news, the next step will be to focus on movies, books, and fitness applications while also trying to make the company as mobile as possible.

In addition to developing the partnerships with these new apps, this article on Mashable states that Facebook hopes to be known as a “mobile best” company. Dan Rose, vice president of partnerships for Facebook, pointed out at the Dive into Media conference that of the billion-plus Facebook users, 680 million are accessing the service on a mobile device. “We talk about ‘mobile first’ in 2012, but we want to be ‘mobile best’ in 2013. We want to create some mobile experiences that simply can’t be done on the desktop,” said Rose.

The overall goal of developing new apps surrounding movies, books, and fitness is to create a cycle where users are consistently sharing the movies they’re watching, books they’re reading, or fitness routines they’re doing to their personal Facebook, in turn creating more awareness of the specific app that was used. Explaining how these new app ideas could benefit both Facebook and the partners Rose said, “We are trying to find the right balance between delivering a great user experience and creating value for partners by sending traffic to them and honoring their content.”

With more and more users receiving their Facebook info through mobile devices, Facebook seems to be on the right track to become a “mobile best” company in 2013.


Photo Credits: Allthingsd.com and tctechcrunch2011.files.wordpress.com