FacebookFacebook has updated a promotions policy in an effort to upgrade conditions for businesses that sponsor contests. So, what does this mean for business pages that want to host a contest or giveaway?

Previously, contests could only be done through third-party apps. But now, companies can run contests directly from their timelines, with the option to utilize third-party apps if they’d like. Small and mid-sized businesses are the winners, as it now becomes easier for them to promote and generate consumers.

“We’ve updated our Pages Terms in order to make it easier for businesses of all sizes to create and administer promotions on Facebook,” the company said in a blog post. “We’ve removed the requirement that promotions on Facebook only be administered through apps.”

Companies can gather entries for contests through posts on their timeline, by messages from users and using likes as a way to vote. Businesses can run contests any time they like, with a broader variety of contestants who could enter.

The new regulations also come with a crackdown on tagging- contestants may not be tagged if they are not featured in the page’s content.

“In order to maintain the accuracy of Page content, our Pages Terms now prohibit Pages from tagging or encouraging people to tag themselves in content that they are not actually depicted in,” the blog post said.

Pages were limited in how they could run contests with only being able to use apps, which was not easy for smaller businesses. But now, the only thing limiting businesses of any size in contests is themselves.