Are you a vivid dreamer? Do you wish you could remember the crazy dreams you have had in the past? Now you can track your dreams in a mobile journal thanks to Dreamboard!


For example, this past weekend I had a dream that I was at a party and sitting next to Elizabeth Banks. At the table there was a fabulous cake and someone mentioned that one slice was hiding a prize. I selected my slice, took a bite, and realized my fork had touched something that wasn’t quite cake consistency…  it was MONEY! As I brushed off the cake, I realized I was the winner of $2,500! As crazy as that dream sounds, I definitely want to keep that as a memory and this app is the best mobile journal to remember my dreams, no matter if they are funny, sad, good, or bad. I think it is one of the most useful apps I currently have on my iPhone and if you want to learn more about Dreamboard Mobile, just watch this video:

I think my favorite part is that if you love talking about your dreams like I do, you can share them with friends and family through your favorite social media sites!

Let me know if you have used Dreamboard Mobile or if you have had a crazy dream like I did this past week because I am always curious of what other people experience in their dreams.