

Hope, a new app for millennial women has just been announced and is available now on iOS. This new app aims to keep millennial women close to their BFFs, but not too close, according to Tech Crunch.

Basically, the Hope app is a “virtual BFF and concierge” meaning that it want to be the “social glue between millennial females”. Hope shows when it’s users get home after a night out. This app does not reveal you exact location, but it informs your friends that you are safe. This sticker based app allows you to see if your friends are either “in” or “out”.



For example, you can mark out “home” or “work”. You may also choose to display your exact location. Hope also shows your user’s battery is low, plugged in, or dead. In addition, it also shows how long its users have been out. There is also a messaging service within the app so users can all keep in touch.

What do you think about this new app? Will you download it? Leave us a comment below!