Brandon Berte is the Social Media Coordinator at Motivators Promotional Products. You can tweet Brandon @MotivatorsPP.



Businesses are just beginning to understand the power of social media. In a way, promoting your brand on the social web helps level the playing field. Smaller companies and organizations can now compete with big brands without having to spend an arm and a leg on TV spots and print ads.

It may seem like every time you turn on the computer, there’s another “next big thing” social network. But one that’s often overlooked, especially among businesses, is Google+. Let’s take a look at why your company needs to get involved:

1. Showing off your human side

Whether or not you’re active on Google+, you can bet that people are searching for and talking about your brand. As the social network continues to grow in 2013, it’s more important than ever to secure a page for your business. In doing so, you can better understand and react to what others are saying about your company. More importantly, you can construct a voice and face for your brand that speaks to your audience.

2. Catering to specific audiences

A favorite Google+ feature is Circles. Circles allow you to categorize your connections and share content with targeted audiences. Companies can use this feature to reach a specific audience with a message rather than sharing it publicly. It’s an easy way to make sure you’re sharing relevant content with each of your markets.

3. Improving SEO

SEO, which stands for search engine optimization, helps make your company website accessible to your target audience. Search engines look at social signals to determine whether or not your site is relevant to searchers. Because Google+ is a Google product, the search engine giant has direct access to its stored information. If your company’s Google+ page is active, Google will believe your brand is more important than a company that doesn’t have any social signals, therefore improving your SEO.

For a more in-depth look at the benefits of Google+ for businesses, watch the video below:


Is your business on Google+ yet? If so, add Motivators to your circles and leave your URL below!