Billboard has released Billboard Real-Time Charts, which will rank trending songs based on their popularity and use on Twitter accounts in the United States.

This endeavor (which will tally information more quickly than in the way Twitter and Nielsen rank popularity of television shows) is split up into 4 different interactive music charts – Emerging Artists, Trending 140, Weekly Billboard Twitter Top Track and Weekly Billboard Twitter Emerging Artists.

The ranks on the constantly-fluctuating charts are compiled by number of mentions and amount of shared songs in an hour. The charts can be found on and a round-up will be printed weekly in Billboard Magazine.


Billboard’s main goal has always been to track music consumption, so it is no surprise that their partnership with Twitter has come about (since in 2013 alone, Twitter users sent out more than a billion tweets regarding music).

So, if you want to see if that monotonous pop song that you hate is high on the charts, or maybe if a new artist you’re rooting for is being heard by more than just you, head over to Billboard to see who’s where on the charts.