The Happiness Theory Youtube

Are you having trouble with you regular marketing campaign? If you’ve been thinking about starting a new YouTube marketing campaign, this article will give you some tips to consider before you make that a reality.

There is more than just posting videos to YouTube in order to actually have a successful marketing campaign on YouTube.

1. Your Brand

The brand is one of the most important components of having a YouTube channel. Brand presence is a factor that will attract viewers and maintain subscribers. Before you even start uploading videos, set up your channel to reflect your business. Include your logo as your channel photo and have the color scheme to match. This will also draw people in to spending more time on your channel.  Here’s a company who has done an amazing job with their logo and image: The Happiness Theory’s YouTube channel.

2. Plan the Videos

Think about what kind of videos you want to promote on your site. How-to videos or updates about new releases? These are a great strategy for local plumbers to help the public and gain their own brand exposure. It’s also good to make a schedule for when you are going to put out these new videos. The most viewed YouTube channels tend to have a daily/weekly video set to release at a certain time so the fans know when to expect the video. Think about what your company has time to do, and what commitment you can make.

3. Make Your Videos Findable

If you are going to be posting videos on YouTube, it’s obvious that you will want people to view them. For people to view the videos, they must be able to find them. To do this, plan to:

  • Add descriptions to each of your videos and to your channel.
  • Have a great, descriptive title for the video.
  • Utilize tags for videos; this is a great place to put keywords.
  • Remember! Google owns YouTube so keywords and titles will come into play during organic searches.

4. How Much Would You Spend?

YouTube can be a free service, but what some people don’t notice is that you can pay to get more out of it. This is mainly in YouTube Ads. You have the ability to bid on keywords that people type into the search, just like you can do with Google Pay-Per-Click.

5. How To Promote?

As with the last tip, you can promote your videos through paying for ads. Some other ways include using the social media sites that you already have established. Sharing a video on a blog that you might have is great. Plan ahead to make this a very shareable video!

With these tips in mind, you should be ready to set up your YouTube marketing strategy. Remember that it will take some time to get everything set up and the first video uploaded.

Let us know how your first upload goes in the comments below!


Photo credit: Flickr user Sights of the City