Bad Rhino is a Social Media Marketing Firm based in Wayne, Pa. Bad Rhino Social Media works with clients all over the United States to help them optimize their Social Media Marketing campaigns. If you would like more information on how Bad Rhino can help your business, please click here.
Category: Bad Rhino
4 Reasons To Step Up Your Game on LinkedIn
Alex Keys is a Social Media Specialist at Solution Tree and a contributing writer at Treble. Follow him on Twitter (@Keys_Says) for daily ramblings and curated retweets. . . If you read Bad Rhino Rumblings, you’re likely active on LinkedIn in some capacity. But, chances are, you probably aren’t devoting a significant amount of time into developing your company’s LinkedIn campaigns. And […]
How Social Media Impacts the Customer Experience
Teri Cooper’s passion for customer service pulled her into Internet Marketing & Social Media about 10 years ago. She is currently the Internet Marketing Manager at Golling’s Arena Chrysler Dodge Jeep Ram in Dayton, Ohio. You can tweet her @bizfunctional. If there was a business owner back in the late 1800s that heard about the telephone […]
Go From Listener to Authority: Becoming a Social Connoisseur
Connoisseur – the very word seems to imply a sophisticated collector, but in today’s day and age, the modern day connoisseur collects knowledge and shares it with their followers and fans. The newest connoisseur is one that shares their knowledge via social media sites and provides their followers with interesting content that they might not […]
Social Media and the Death of the Testimonial
Darren Slaughter is a member of the Construction Marketing Association and spent 15 years developing marketing and advertising strategies for home improvement contractors before building into a full-service web design and social media agency in 2005. You can read more about Darren by clicking here. Mark it down: within the next three years social […]
Why Social Media Marketing is the Solution and Poor Marketing is Your Problem
One of the many hats I wear is as a marketing expert-in-residence for a business incubator. Couple that with running a consulting company, and you’ll understand that I get put in the room with a huge number of businesses. Sadly, an overwhelming number of these companies have one thing in common: poor marketing. They have […]
B2B Video Marketing: Why B2B Companies Should Use YouTube
Considering the videos you watch on YouTube, you might not think that it’s the right place for B2B companies to communicate. Isn’t it for videos of cute kittens and babies? But as online video consumption increases, YouTube is becoming a top online destination for everyone, including the B2B industry. Increasingly, video is proving it can engage users much more than […]
Social Media in an Hour a Day: You're Being Lied To
We’ve all seen or heard from a social media “guru” (that title in and of itself should scare you!) that your company can achieve social media success in an hour a day or less. I’m here to tell you that’s just plain BS. Can you maintain social media in under an hour a day? Sure, […]
3 Quick and Dirty Social Tips for B2B Marketers
Erica Bell is the Social Media Specialist at She also writes on number of topics including online marketing and shares small business tips. You can connect with on Facebook or Twitter! . B2B businesses are continuing to break into social media spaces. Whether you’re a B2B or B2C business, there is a good […]