Category: YouTube

YouTube Tests Suggested Hashtags for YouTube Shorts

YouTube Shorts Hashtags

Hashtags are used on multiple social media platforms, including Instagram, Twitter, and more. Users will put hashtags into the caption of their post or into the first comment to help categorize and make posts more searchable. Hashtags, when used appropriately, can increase your reach, brand exposure, and more without having to spend a dime. Another […]

An Inside Look: Bad Rhino’s Process For Finding Profitable Ads For Our Clients

Most growing businesses don’t know or understand what really goes into digital marketing, much less the process it takes to find profitable ads then scaling it. In the next few minutes I’m going to explain our process that we use to find a winning ad. Let me preface that saying this is under the assumption […]

How to Use YouTube for Your Small Business

While the majority of small businesses take the time to set up the traditional social media channels such as Facebook and Twitter, many overlook the importance of video in communicating with their brand’s followers. According to a recent article summarizing a video statistics report released by Invodo, 74 percent of all Internet traffic by 2017 […]

3 Reasons B2B Companies Need to Take Advantage of YouTube

Did you know that YouTube is one of the most-searched sites on the web, second only to Google? That’s right; although it’s famous for hosting viral videos like “Charlie bit my finger – again!” and “David After Dentist,” YouTube has also become a top resource for finding information on literally anything, from product demos to […]