Month: November 2014

Making a Real Connection With Your Followers

#182183078 / Businesses are learning that they need to relate to their followers as humans. That means less message blasting and more relationship building. It’s natural for us to connect with people and develop relationships and it can be natural for a brand to do the same. It takes making a conscious effort and […]

Bad Rhino Reading: Ways to Become a Social Media Marketing Rockstar

Website: Business2Community  Article: 7 Steps to Becoming a Rockstar at Social Media Marketing  Being a social media marketing rockstar isn’t easy. This is because successful marketing at its lowest form even isn’t something to scoff at. Here are four reminders on how to not be a social media marketing one hit wonder. 1. Inspiration Follow people who […]

Writing for Social Media Without Being Too Sales-Pushy

customer service

#124320732 / You’ve been writing that blog for months, but you haven’t made any traction. In fact, it seems like the stickiness of your posts is dwindling. The same holds true for all those tweets you’ve been pushing out. You know there’s a problem, but you can’t put your finger on it. After all […]