Month: September 2013

Social Media and the Death of the Testimonial

Darren Slaughter is a member of the Construction Marketing Association and spent 15 years developing marketing and advertising strategies for home improvement contractors before building into a full-service web design and social media agency in 2005. You can read more about Darren by clicking here.   Mark it down: within the next three years social […]

How Restaurants Can Capture Customer Emails on Social Media: Part 2

If you joined us for Part 1 of this series, you would have learned how social media promotions, contests, sweepstakes, and coupons are amazing for capturing customer emails.  Make sure you stop by and read that section before or after you read today’s article. And speaking of today’s article, we’ll be digging further into how […]

How Restaurants Can Capture Customer Emails on Social Media: Part 1

While Social Media is quite powerful on its own, restaurants should be able to utilize it’s power to enhance their complete marketing program.  Being able to reach your customers from every communication channel is growing increasingly important and email marketing should have it’s place in your strategy. In part 1 of this series, we’ll be […]

4 Simple Ways to Grow Your Facebook Community

Beki Winchel is a social media PR consultant and freelance writer currently working on The SMC Matrix. Learn more about her – and follow her – at 1.15 billion users. More than 50 million pages. 699 million daily users. 4.5 billion daily “likes.” The Facebook (or just Facebook, since it’s cleaner) has become a huge part […]

The Guide to Facebook Contests Part 3: Selecting a Prize

In the previous two blog posts in this series, we’ve covered the Pros and Cons of using Third Party Apps for Contests, and discussed when using a Third Party App is a must. We’re going to jump right to it by listing some simple guidelines and things to consider when selecting a prize for your […]

Reputation Management for Restaurants: Monitoring Your Channels

Managing your restaurant’s reputation on social media calls for some time management, some tools, and a ton of consistency.  This is the last blog post in our Reputation Management for Restaurants series.  The first article talked about how to amplify positive social media comments.  The second post was less fun and centered around how to react to […]