Month: June 2014

4 Signs It's Time to Hire a Social Media Agency

EDITOR’S NOTE: This post first appeared on You’ve put up a brilliant fight and the effort hasn’t gone unnoticed. However, the daily job of managing, monitoring, and creating content for your company social channels is a daunting challenge and quite frankly, your time is best spent elsewhere. Whether you’re a small business owner, a […]

Facebook Udates Pages Manager Application

Having your  business on Facebook has become more mobile friendly. A lot of businesses have pages on Facebook for their companies and post things about their business on this page they created. Facebook is releasing an updated version of its Pages Manager Application that is accessible on both iOS and Android. The app itself is […]

Stand Out from the Infographic Crowd With These 5 Tips

While the use of infographics on the web seems to have exploded in 2010, they are, by no means, a new phenomenon. One of the earliest instances of the usage of an infographic dates back to 1858, in a report entitled, “Mortality of the British Army”, created by Florence Nightingale. They’ve been in use ever […]

Branding Your Company Image on Social Media

What story does your brand tell? As a company, you may think you are the one who determines how customers view you, but in the reality of social media today, it is often the customer who determines what your brand says about you. Your brand image reflects the personality of your company or product. It gives […]

Why You Should Look at Social Media Content from Your Audience's Perspective

Annaliese Henwood is a marketing and public relations specialist with interest in making an impact for businesses and nonprofits alike. Annaliese can be found through her website, or you can join her on Twitter, Google+, and LinkedIn.   Scenario One: You’ve convinced your superiors that a social media marketing plan is worth the company’s investment. You’ve developed a formal marketing […]