Category: Facebook

Optimizing Your Facebook Business Page

Facebook was founded in 2004, but is still one of the biggest social media platforms with over 2.9 billion active users. Businesses continue to utilize Facebook to grow brand awareness and showcase their products or services. However, just posting on Facebook occasionally will not help your business thrive in the social media world. Optimizing your […]

Facebook’s New Name is now Meta

In order to “reflect its focus on building the metaverse,” Facebook has change its name to Meta. The change was announced and explained at the Facebook annual Connect Conference on October 28th. Facebook’s Metaverse The rebranding and renaming of the platform could also signify the company’s shift in how it operates. Recently, its focus on […]

What Is Happening To My Facebook Ads?

  For weeks, Facebook has been making updates and changes to the Business Suite platform and it’s changing our processes and most importantly –– Facebook Ads. There’s been chatter that Facebook and Instagram advertising has taken a big hit over the past month and it can be extremely frustrating when your strategy is solid, but […]

Facebook to Add New Video Features

In a time where COVID-19 has put a halt on in-person events, Facebook has announced new features to bring people together through video streaming. One of these new features allows hosts to charge a fee for access to events held through Facebook Live streams. Although there aren’t many details to exactly how and when Facebook […]

How to Optimize Your Facebook Page

  Optimizing your business Facebook page is crucial for both making sure your brand stands out and capitalizing on as much reach as possible. By putting some attention into how your brand is portrayed through things like images and descriptions, you can make your business unforgettable, and most importantly, discoverable. Before you get into updating […]

Get The Most From Your Facebook Lead Ads

If you’re not running Facebook Lead Ads, your business could be missing out. Why? Because Facebook Lead Ads are capable of so much more than just generating leads. In a recent blog post I discussed the importance of Facebook Traffic Ads and their ability to lay the foundation for lead ads. Needless to say, the […]

How to Manage Multiple Social Media Accounts for One Brand

Not every story fits under one umbrella for a brand. For brands that have diverse target audiences, numerous locations, different services or products, or more, creating multiple social media accounts is a way to market more effectively to interact with your niche audiences. It may seem daunting at first, but being able to manage multiple […]