Category: Social Media Advertising

3 Reasons You Should Still Advertise on Facebook

I think its safe to say social media is a big part of most people’s lives these days. Because of this, social media marketing is a huge part of any brand’s overall marketing strategy. Facebook has been the reigning king of social media for a while. However, recently the reach of business pages has severely […]

How to Choose the Perfect Facebook Ad Format to Meet Your Goals

Facebook advertising is more sophisticated than it was a year ago, or even six months ago. When advertising was first introduced to the platform, right-hand side ads were the only option, but now the options are almost endless (at least with the various types they seem endless!). Navigating these different ad options can be tough […]

Introducing LinkedIn Showcase Pages – A Way for Brands and Users to Connect

LinkedIn unveiled a new way to connect users with companies this week with the launch of LinkedIn Showcase Pages – a way for users to connect with particular brands. For example, users who follow the Microsoft company page were limited to just the company. But now, Microsoft has the chance to create a Showcase page […]

The Ultimate Guide to Setting Up Ads on Twitter

From 2010 to 2012, Twitter increased revenue from $28 million to over $315 million.  Their advertising platform has had a hand in this and helped the company recently go public.  The platform started off as invite-only  and has grown into a strong marketing tool for both business and personal accounts. If you’re still new to Twitter […]

9 Things to Consider When Developing Your PPC Strategy

Search advertising (also known as pay-per-click advertising, or PPC) is applauded by those in the digital world for its ability to both increase awareness and drive traffic to a website. However, a PPC strategy can seem very overwhelming and confusing from the outset; but it’s worth working through because search advertising can be one of the […]

Utilize Retargeting Advertising on Social Media

Online advertising is a large part of online marketing strategies.  Whether a marketer is using Google Adwords, Pay-Per-Click or other resources, it is a great way to market services and products to a large audience. On average, only 2% of visitors convert to buyers after one visit to your website.  An online ad  that is […]