Category: Case Studies

Knowing What Works and What Doesn't with Marketing Via Social Media

Marketing using social media provides an effective and time-efficient way for businesses to let consumers know what they have to offer. With that said, social media is only effective when done right. There are certain things which work with social media for the purpose of business and other things which will make all of your […]

Social Awareness on Social Media: Should a Business Be Involved?

What stance should your business take on social issues? We are constantly reading about social issues and awareness on various Social Media platforms. It’s not necessarily due to a rise in these issues, but the wider availability to hear and read about them online and in other media outlets. Social media gives the everyday user […]

Let's Do Away with "Great Content"

It could just be the blogs I visit, or maybe it is a certain time of the year, but for some reason, it seems I’ve read quite a few marketing and business development-focused posts recently about the need to produce “great content.” When I read these posts, I get all kinds of how-to’s and suggestions […]

The Rise of 2nd Screen Viewer Engagement & It's Implications for Advertisers

#200532276-001 / The first time I heard the term “second-screen viewing” or “second-screen viewer,” I rolled my eyes. We have been watching TV and eating, reading, doing homework, “studying,” emailing with clients, etc. for as long as the TV tray has existed. But what we haven’t experienced for decades is the ability to track […]

4 Keys to Successful Blog Promotion Using LinkedIn

Mickey Baines is the President & Founding Partner at Fourth Dimension Partners, a higher education consulting practice. In addition, he appears regularly as an on-air guest for QVC and co-hosts a local TV show in central Pennsylvania. You can tweet Mickey @4DPartners. . . If you blog regularly to promote your business, you are putting in a significant amount of […]

How You Can Benefit From Social Media Influencers

There’s lots of buzz on the Internet about finding and engaging with industry influencers. We see lists of influencers, are encouraged to connect with them, and even strive to become an influencer ourselves. It’s often stressed online, that if you want your company blog to get noticed and talked about, you have to know influencers […]

How the Higher Education Industry Benefits from Social Media

Christina Philbert is co-owner of bpcp Consulting and is an experienced and passionate non-profit and higher education administrator. While social media has permeated nearly every industry and most brands maintain a presence online, the world of higher education as a whole has shied away from the new social-digital paradigm. Even though colleges and universities are on the cutting edge […]

Virtual Currency and Social Media: What's the Connection?

If you’re at all keeping up with the world of cryptocurrency (gotta love that word), then you’ve probably watched its up-and-downs, including skyrocketing values, friends in bad places (Silk Road), and worldwide rulings across the board. Most of this is related to bitcoin, the favorite virtual currency, but there are a number of virtual or […]