Category: Restaurant Social Media

Social Media Marketing Secrets for Restaurants – Social Coupons Part 2 [VIDEO]

Bad Rhino, a Social Media Marketing Firm based in Wayne, Pa, presents an on-going social media training series for Restaurant and Bar owners. In this series, we will be sharing our best tips and ideas that we have had success for our restaurant clients. If you would like more information on how Bad Rhino can help your business, […]

Social Media Horror Story: What Happens to Restaurants When Employees Manage Social Media

We recently learned about a terrifying example of what happens when a restaurant is careless with their social media marketing.  While the story is quick, it’s quite awful, so we apologize for future sleep lost. A restaurant (that will go unnamed) shared with us what can happen when an employee manages and creates content for social […]

7 Things That Should Make Your Restaurant Take Social Media Seriously

Why should your restaurant take social media marketing seriously and what can it do for you?  There’s an undeniable amount of confusion when asking restaurant owners, small business owners, and even some marketers that question.  It’s unacceptable for where we are today and what we know about the power of social media marketing for restaurants to […]

How Restaurants Can Use Social Media Coupons: Part 1

You have a problem. The social media content posted is spot on.  You’ve identified your culture and have created a strategy around the specific restaurant visitors you want to attract. Hell, even the restaurant’s social media communities are growing, but still… you have a problem. The conundrum at hand is that while everything seems to […]

How Restaurants Can Capture Customer Emails on Social Media: Part 2

If you joined us for Part 1 of this series, you would have learned how social media promotions, contests, sweepstakes, and coupons are amazing for capturing customer emails.  Make sure you stop by and read that section before or after you read today’s article. And speaking of today’s article, we’ll be digging further into how […]

How Restaurants Can Capture Customer Emails on Social Media: Part 1

While Social Media is quite powerful on its own, restaurants should be able to utilize it’s power to enhance their complete marketing program.  Being able to reach your customers from every communication channel is growing increasingly important and email marketing should have it’s place in your strategy. In part 1 of this series, we’ll be […]