Rich DeMatteo

B2B Companies Need To Shift Their Strategy To Survive

During a crisis brands are quick to push out messaging to reassure their loyal customers. In this state of COVID emergency, it’s crucial for companies to understand that this silent enemy has a ripple effect in every business. While many people are waiting for their normal life to get back into swing, companies are worried […]

Facebook to Add New Video Features

In a time where COVID-19 has put a halt on in-person events, Facebook has announced new features to bring people together through video streaming. One of these new features allows hosts to charge a fee for access to events held through Facebook Live streams. Although there aren’t many details to exactly how and when Facebook […]

Golf Marketing During Quarantine

Golf marketing during quarantine looks different than your traditional strategies, but success is still attainable. Businesses need to evolve their business to digital pandemic or not. Watch the video to learn more.

4 Marketing Checklist Items For COVID-19

While the world faces the global corona-virus pandemic, business owners are battling through some of their most challenging decisions. Keeping customers, employees, and themselves safe is priority number one. Priority number two is deciding what steps they should take to survive (and potentially thrive) now during social distancing guidelines, quarantines, and isolation. The answers are […]

10 Places to Find High Quality Royalty-Free Images

I know when I first started writing blogs here at Bad Rhino, the process of creating original, attention grabbing visual elements was an overwhelming task for me, as it probably is for many others. The question regarding what images are fair game can be complex and you can’t just grab anything off the internet. If […]

How to Optimize Your Facebook Page

  Optimizing your business Facebook page is crucial for both making sure your brand stands out and capitalizing on as much reach as possible. By putting some attention into how your brand is portrayed through things like images and descriptions, you can make your business unforgettable, and most importantly, discoverable. Before you get into updating […]

5 Tips on How to Write the Best Twitter Bio

Even if you post the most original tweets, sometimes that isn’t enough to gain a following on Twitter. Having a unique bio that’s perfect for your brand is one of the most important steps in guaranteeing a follow from users who come across your profile. Although this may seem like an overwhelming task, there are […]