Month: July 2014

3 Reasons You Should Still Advertise on Facebook

I think its safe to say social media is a big part of most people’s lives these days. Because of this, social media marketing is a huge part of any brand’s overall marketing strategy. Facebook has been the reigning king of social media for a while. However, recently the reach of business pages has severely […]

Let's Do Away with "Great Content"

It could just be the blogs I visit, or maybe it is a certain time of the year, but for some reason, it seems I’ve read quite a few marketing and business development-focused posts recently about the need to produce “great content.” When I read these posts, I get all kinds of how-to’s and suggestions […]

Bad Rhino Reading: 3 Time Saving Social Media Tools

Website: Social Media Examiner Article: 3 Social Media Tools That Help Marketers Save Time Why spend more time on your social media marketing when there are ways to make your it quicker? Here’s one reason: the budget. The answer to that lies within these 3 tools that will greatly lower your time spent working on your marketing (without breaking […]

Increase Engagement By Writing For Each Social Platform's Unique Audience

#472360975 / You’ve done it, I’ve done it. We’ve all been guilty of it. We’ve mass-posted a single post to all of our social media channels. The same link, same image and same copy to accompany both. It may not seem like a big deal, but chances are the audiences on these social platforms […]

You'll Soon Be Using Your Twitter Timeline for Shopping

A “Buy now” button has appeared on certain tweets, starting this past Monday. In one example, if a person clicked on the buy now button, Twitter would direct them to so they can buy the product they viewed. However, this button so far only appears on the mobile version of Twitter and not on the […]