Category: Bad Rhino

3 Reasons Your Brand Needs Social Media

Let’s get real for a minute. If your business is not on social media yet, you’re already failing pretty badly. Yes, it’s true that not all social media platforms are right for all businesses, but if you are not at least on Facebook and/or Twitter, I don’t even know what to say to you. However, […]

Keyword Planning for Facebook Advertising: Alternatives to Google’s Keyword Tool

Without a keyword plan, it’s hard to plan any online marketing or advertising initiative — nearly impossible. Inbound marketing, on Facebook or any other site, depends upon solid SEO, which is based on strategic keyword planning and usage. Content still matters, but if the right words aren’t used in that content, words and phrases that […]

Surprise! From Hidden Camera to Viral Video Sensation

If you weren’t raised on the moon, chances are you’ve seen hidden camera shows, such as Punk’d, Spy TV and, of course, Candid Camera.  These semi-staged shows entertained millions by pranking or surprising an unknowing participant- catching the whole affair on camera.  In several markets, especially the entertainment industry, ‘candid’ videos have emerged as a […]

How Social Media Feedback Impacts Mobile Payments Adoption

With more smartphone users using their mobile devices for shopping, a 20% increase according to the 2014 Mobile Payments State of the Industry Report from Mobile Payments Today, it only seems natural that mobile payments adoption would be increasing as well. Not so fast, says this article from Fox Small Business Center, who cites the […]

Bad Rhino Social Media Marketing Seminar in Chester County, PA

Simply updating your social media channels isn’t enough to drive traffic and increase sales. Leveraging your social media network to engage the public and recruit potential customers requires a strategy that makes sense for your business. Join the Chester County Chamber and Bad Rhino on Thursday, February 27 for this informative and interactive workshop specifically designed to help small- […]

Anti-Social: 5 Event Missteps to Avoid When Using Social Media

These days, there are a lot of opportunities for online professional development (including some really stellar social media blogs *cough* *cough*). Still, nothing quite beats a well-organized, networking-heavy conference.  As events of all shapes and sizes begin to incorporate social media into their endeavors, it’s important to avoid the following pitfalls: 1. The ever-elusive “free […]

Spooky Social Media: Top Halloween Campaigns

It’s the spookiest time of year, and a host of brands are getting into the Halloween spirit. This year more than ever, they’re taking to social media to scare the pants off of audiences. Which campaign is the most spine-chillingly effective? You be the judge: 1. Tide Tide took to Vine to celebrate All Hallows’ […]