Rich DeMatteo

Facebook Metrics and Insights Needed When Launching a Social Media Engagement Campaign

Social Media Marketing Plan

Nick Rojas is a business consultant and writer who lives in Los Angeles and Chicago. He has consulted small and medium-sized enterprises for over twenty years. He has  contributed articles to, Entrepreneur, and TechCrunch. You can follow him on Twitter, or you can reach him at  . .     Big data and analytics […]

How to Use YouTube for Your Small Business

While the majority of small businesses take the time to set up the traditional social media channels such as Facebook and Twitter, many overlook the importance of video in communicating with their brand’s followers. According to a recent article summarizing a video statistics report released by Invodo, 74 percent of all Internet traffic by 2017 […]

Bad Rhino Reading: How to Double Your Twitter Followers in 5 Minutes a Day

Website: Post Planner Article: Here’s How to Double Your Twitter Followers in 5 Minutes a Day Ever wonder how some people have tons of Twitter followers but you don’t?  Here are some helpful tips for doubling your number of followers. 1. Perfect Your Profile The first key to your profile is an awesome profile picture.  A close-up of […]

What Is Social Selling Really About?

Social Selling can be viewed negatively. It might make us think that businesses use social only to get us to buy. It sounds manipulative, self-serving and anti-social.  Businesses aren’t on social just to make friends and have fun. That’s the reality and of course we know that. They want to gain loyal customers and entice […]

Why Your Twitter Strategy May Be Hurting Your Brand

If you’re on Twitter, chances are you fall into one of a variety of categories when it comes to usage. For some it’s a listening tool and a means to gather information on news and trending topics. For others, Twitter is a social platform used for interaction personally or professionally on a daily basis. No […]

Facebook is Removing Deactivated Profiles to Make Page Likes More Relevant

Facebook wants to show business owners that their data is consistent and up-to-date by removing memorialized and deactivated profiles from Pages’ like counts, according to a Facebook for Business post. Facebook acknowledges that pages will see “small dips” in likes over the next few weeks, but also emphasizes that these changes will be beneficial. The company states […]

The Power of Using Testimonials on Your Website – And How to Do It

If you go to any business’ website, you’ll likely read copy that spells out how the company sells cutting-edge products that are way better than those of their competitors. They probably say they have great customer service and low prices. With so many organizations saying the exact same thing, it can be difficult for customers […]

4 Ways Ambassadors Benefit Your Online Brand

Every brand wants people on their side who are enthusiastic about them. They want people who take their enthusiasm to the next level by showing their loyalty to your brand through their words and actions. These are brand ambassadors and they are valuable to your brand. They shape your image in the eyes of your […]