Rich DeMatteo

4 Steps to Social Media Campaign Success Using Inspiration-Themed Content

Small businesses on budgets, or larger companies who are looking to increase their social media marketing results without increasing budgets, sometimes struggle with generating the response they’re after. Getting your name, brand and products out to new audiences without spending a lot presents a challenge. Social media posts with a positive tone tend to have […]

How Your Business Should React to Crises Over Social Media

Your business has worked hard to gain a following on many social networks. With social networks being a top priority with communication with your customers, you wouldn’t want to do anything to that would disrupt that following. That is why this blog post will be giving you tips on how to best manage your company’s […]

Utilize Retargeting Advertising on Social Media

Online advertising is a large part of online marketing strategies.  Whether a marketer is using Google Adwords, Pay-Per-Click or other resources, it is a great way to market services and products to a large audience. On average, only 2% of visitors convert to buyers after one visit to your website.  An online ad  that is […]

3 Quick and Dirty Social Tips for B2B Marketers

Erica Bell is the Social Media Specialist at She also writes on number of topics including online marketing and shares small business tips. You can connect with on Facebook or Twitter!   . B2B businesses are continuing to break into social media spaces. Whether you’re a B2B or B2C business, there is a good […]

Putting Out a Fire on Social Media Before Your Reputation is Damaged

After numerous social media blunders going viral in the past months, now, more than ever brands and businesses must take a proactive stance on their social media and blog sites. Monitoring your content and what is being said about you is imperative if you want to stamp out the embers of negativity and disruption before […]

Tricks to Getting the Most Out of Facebook for Your Business

With the population of Facebook users now exceeding 1billion, many businesses are turning to the social platform for a new outlook on advertising. Building a Facebook Page and getting the name of your company out there starts the ball rolling. With an audience that large on Facebook, the social media platform has many filters and […]

6 Ways to Optimize Pinterest for eCommerce This Holiday Season

Shane Jones is a Senior Social Outreach Specialist at WebpageFX. He also is the founder of Local Soccer News, a League Soccer News blog. He is also a traveling fanatic, and writes about his bucket list on his personal blog, Shane Patrick Jones. . The holidays are coming, and the rush of Christmas shopping is already upon us. […]

10 Ways to Build Your Brand Using Social Media

Shane Jones is a Senior Social Outreach Specialist at WebpageFX. He also is the founder of Local Soccer News, a League Soccer News blog. He is also a traveling fanatic, and writes about his bucket list on his personal blog, Shane Patrick Jones. 1. Be Active You might be going into social media under the […]

5 Steps to Business Success at Pinterest

Jessica Kornfeind is the Marketing Coordinator at MycroBurst. You can tweet her at @JesKorn!     With the introduction of Pinterest for businesses, companies are trying to find their place. Many companies are using the platform successfully to tell the story of their company, while others are still learning. If you’re still trying to learn how […]