Category: How To

4 Ways to Emotionally Connect With Your Followers

Does your business connect emotionally with your online following or community? How do you know if you are or not? Does it matter? At last year’s #Inbound13 conference in Boston, Seth Godin said the following about connection: ” We’re leaving the industrial economy and entering the connection economy. Mass won’t work any more.” Ted Rubin […]

3 Features Your Viral Content Absolutely Must Have

Adina Rubin Berzofsky is a freelance marketing writer in the NY/NJ/Philadelphia area. She’s been writing and working with technology since the olden days (meaning, before social media was invented). Also, she’s still trying to decide what she wants to be when she grows up. You can reach Adina on Google+, Tumblr, Twitter and at her website: SEO experts, bloggers, marketing […]

Kill 'Em With Kindness: From Complaints to Customers

Imagine that you run a local coffee shop.  A customer comes in and they’re unsatisfied.  Maybe they think that their drink wasn’t made up to par, or they feel the drive-thru service took too long.  Or they could be having a bad day and taking it out on the nearest target.  Regardless of the reason, […]

In the Shadows: Getting Lurkers to Engage on Social Media

Do you subscribe to Netflix, Hulu Plus, Amazon Prime, or some other service that allows you to stream movies and television shows to your TV, computer or tablet? Maybe you don’t want to pay for satellite or cable so you use them to watch your favorite programs. These services provide the added benefits of watching […]

3 Ways to Boost Engagement on Your Facebook Page

You want reach your fans on Facebook? You’re going to need to pay up. With Facebook being more honest about the decline of the organic reach of Pages, what can marketers and brands do to continue to organically reach their fans without paying for advertising? Focus on engagement. Engagement is any interaction your fans have with […]

4 Steps to Running a Successful Pinterest Contest

‘Tis the season for sponsoring holiday-themed marketing campaigns. Undoubtedly your company has run such things before on Facebook and Twitter, but Twitter is also a great place for holiday-themed promotions, especially in the form of a contest. Pinterest has a very active, engaged audience, and during the holidays they’re in hyper pin mode, looking for […]

Introducing LinkedIn Showcase Pages – A Way for Brands and Users to Connect

LinkedIn unveiled a new way to connect users with companies this week with the launch of LinkedIn Showcase Pages – a way for users to connect with particular brands. For example, users who follow the Microsoft company page were limited to just the company. But now, Microsoft has the chance to create a Showcase page […]

The Ultimate Guide to Setting Up Ads on Twitter

From 2010 to 2012, Twitter increased revenue from $28 million to over $315 million.  Their advertising platform has had a hand in this and helped the company recently go public.  The platform started off as invite-only  and has grown into a strong marketing tool for both business and personal accounts. If you’re still new to Twitter […]