Rich DeMatteo

How to Choose a Philly Advertising Agency

Philly Advertising Agency

When ready to select the right Philly Advertising Agency to partner with your company, there are a few things you need to focus on.  Picking the wrong agency to handle your social media advertising will end up costing more money and time, so be sure to get it right the first time. Being recently named […]

Best Social Media Companies in Philadelphia

Best Social Media Companies Philadelphia

When you’re looking to partner with a social media agency in Philadelphia, you want to make sure you’re finding the absolute best fit. While Bad Rhino was named #1 on the list of the Best Social Media Companies in Philadelphia, here are a few things you should always consider when selecting the right Philadelphia digital […]

5 Things to Do When Someone Famous Tags you on Social Media

It’s just another Friday afternoon in the life of a social media manager. Your daily social posts are set and you’re crossing off all of your end-of-week checklist items. Then something happens…you get a Instagram notification that reveals someone famous has visited your location and tagged your brand on Instagram. Almost immediately, your jaw drops, […]

Social Media Analytics 101: Reach, Impressions, and Engagement

Without performing at least a very basic look into Social Media Analytics, it’s impossible to know how well your strategy is performing. Companies spend a great deal time, money and resources on developing social content for their channels, and all of those efforts can be a waste of time if you’re not analyzing on the backend. […]

Facebook “Boost” 101: Know Which Posts to Promote and How to Boost Them

Leveraging Facebook to promote your business and connect with potential customers is the goal of any business, however, with organic reach dying off and a constantly changing algorithm, it’s becoming harder to reach your target audience. Nowadays, developing an effective Facebook advertising strategy is key to reaching your target audience. Facebook’s “Boost” feature is a super […]

How to Use Social Media to Drive Ticket Sales (Client Case Study)

We wanted to pop in with a quick blog post to show how we’ve had recent success driving ticket sales on social media. This specific client example walks you through the steps we took to help our client close the sale of Philadelphia Eagles Season Tickets, a high priced item. As you’ll soon see, the […]

5 Types of Images That Boost Engagement and Sales on Social Media

There’s no denying that capturing your social media audience’s attention is becoming harder every day. With so much content consistently being pushed out on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and other social media platforms, it’s an all out competition between brands to engage with customers. In order to stand out from the crowd, brands MUST include a […]

4 Ways Restaurants Can Take Better Food Pictures for Social Media

For many restaurant patrons, your social media channels serve as their first experience to your staff, your ambiance, and most importantly, your food. There’s much more involved in developing a social media strategy for your restaurant than simply posting pictures and praying they’re seen and liked by customers. While you don’t need a professional photographer […]