Teri Kojetin

Monthly contributor Teri Kojetin has a passion for social media, writing and online community management. She is the Community Manager for Social Hangout and co-founder of the #Luv4Social Twitter chat. Teri is based in Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA where she lives with her husband and spends time on creative outlets such as writing, art and crafts. Connect with Teri through Twitter: @TeriMKojetin.

Branding Your Company Image on Social Media

What story does your brand tell? As a company, you may think you are the one who determines how customers view you, but in the reality of social media today, it is often the customer who determines what your brand says about you. Your brand image reflects the personality of your company or product. It gives […]

How You Can Benefit From Social Media Influencers

There’s lots of buzz on the Internet about finding and engaging with industry influencers. We see lists of influencers, are encouraged to connect with them, and even strive to become an influencer ourselves. It’s often stressed online, that if you want your company blog to get noticed and talked about, you have to know influencers […]

Practicing Good Customer Service On Your Social Media Pages

customer service

#164383304 / gettyimages.com Customer service has evolved over the years, going from face-to-face to postal mail to telephone to email to live chat, and now into the realm of Social Media. Good customer service is about providing a positive, helpful experience. Giving your customers excellent service, whether they have questions, concerns, complaints, or even praise […]

Increasing Engagement Through Content Marketing: 4 Questions to Ask Yourself

Jay Baer states that a “lack of chatter isn’t a reason for your company to remain on the sidelines. Rather, it’s a signal that you need to make the first move.” Your content communicates with your followers and customers. Is your audience hearing from you on a consistent basis? If so, then you’ll be hearing […]

Using Social Media Trends as Part of Your Marketing Strategy

Do you keep up on trends happening in fashion, foods and other markets your interested in? We all do. We want to be “in the know” so to speak and it gives us a feeling of being knowlegeable and popular. Businesses pay attention to trends as well, but for different reasons. Trends are determined by […]

4 Ways to Emotionally Connect With Your Followers

Does your business connect emotionally with your online following or community? How do you know if you are or not? Does it matter? At last year’s #Inbound13 conference in Boston, Seth Godin said the following about connection: ” We’re leaving the industrial economy and entering the connection economy. Mass won’t work any more.” Ted Rubin […]

In the Shadows: Getting Lurkers to Engage on Social Media

Do you subscribe to Netflix, Hulu Plus, Amazon Prime, or some other service that allows you to stream movies and television shows to your TV, computer or tablet? Maybe you don’t want to pay for satellite or cable so you use them to watch your favorite programs. These services provide the added benefits of watching […]

4 Ways to Grow Your Online Social Presence

As a business, your online social presence needs to be cultivated in order to grow your followers and online communities. How you are seen and perceived by social media users plays a large part in determining the online success of your business or brand. Just as a garden needs to be planted, fertilized, watered, and […]

How to Effectively Manage an Online Community

Managing an online community is much like creating the perfect dinner party. Each element needs to be in place to have a well-managed event. It’s the same with your online community. Careful orchestration of all the elements will result in an inviting, entertaining, and engaging place for your followers to gather. A community is a […]